+40 744 525 605 sorel.radu@gmail.com
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Executive & Business Coaching

Coaching it’s about yourself!

And that’s the problem. Some people think that if they work about their own performance improvement, that means they invalidate who they already are. False. It doesn’t mean you are not validating who you are, it’s accepting who you are and accepting also you are a person who wants more from this life. And that’s always start with yourself.

Coaching it is actually about transporting you from point A to point B in your goal achievement journey. And in this journey, like in any journey, you need clarity about the destination, a predictable path and fuel for the whole road. The fuel is your motivation. The reason why.

I only work with coachable people! To be coachable you must want something and you must be open to learn and you must be committed to do

All I want from you is to move! To move forward. To create a change for yourself.

We’ll work together to give you a burst of energy. To provide you more clarity. 

Coaching is also (actually mainly), about achieving results.

A coach brings a very different perspective than the client, helping the client to grow beyond their own self imposed boundaries.

Think of any goal you could set yourself. The problem is that you only know what you know, and you can only see as far as your own horizons.

When we set goals for ourselves, they are invariably constrained by our fears – fear of failure, of success, of risk or even of change itself. We protect ourselves from these dangers by staying within our comfort zone. Behind the walls we are feel so protected that we forgot to look what else is outside. Coaching has to move you out, beyoun your own walls, beyond your own limitations!

Coaching works because it is personal, often intensive and builds upon and refines an individual’s existing skills and talents. Ultimately, the only way to really know what a difference it will make for you is to get in touch and find out for yourself.

Typical results of coaching

  • Gaining more Clarity  & Vision
  • Improved self-awareness & leadership ability
  • Improved Productivity, more and better Results
  • Establish and take action towards achieving goals
  • Improved Teamwork, Communicating effectively & powerfully

Who is your Coach?

With a strong business and entrepreneurial background, built over a career of

25 years of top  level ManagementSOREL RADU is specialized in Coaching EntrepreneursLeaders, Team Managers and Business Owners.

He work with C-level Managers, experienced and inexperienced Entrepreneurs, using his expertise as a Master NLP Coach and Master Behavioral Coach.

He is also the Coach of all the Entrepreneurs engaged on Guerrilla Camp Accelerator for the last two years.

And now could be yours too!

What People Say

“As someone who has the privilege of being a leading player in Coaching and performance improvement I highly recommend Sorel as a Coach. He has my complete respect and trust.

David Brown
CEO – Performance Consultants International
ICF – Member of the Board of Directors

“Cel mai mult mi-a placut modul si determinarea cu care Sorel a reusit sa ma conduca spre un rezultat, o noua achizitie, la fiecare intrevedere. Rezultatul acestui proces este uimitor, pentru ca, atata timp cat am fost in proces, nu stiam cand se va incheia si cum va fi atunci. Am perceput cu adevarat schimbarea destul de brusc si am constientizat ca am castigat claritate, prezenta si o disciplina care ma ajuta sa ma focusez pe obiectivele propuse.

Felicia Barsan – Business Owner UNIT VISION